Hero background image
Unity 面向数据的技术栈 (DOTS)
DOTS 包括各种技术和软件包,可为在 Unity Technologies 中构建游戏提供面向数据的设计方法。将面向数据的设计应用到游戏架构中,能让创作者以高性能的方式扩展处理能力。
请观看这个简短的演示,了解 Megacity Metro 的功能以及 Netcode for Entities 如何用于基于动作的 Multiplayer 游戏。
DOTS 工作流程封面

ECS for Unity

ECS for Unity(实体组件系统)使您能够构建更具雄心的游戏。它是一个与 GameObjects 兼容的面向数据的框架,凭借前所未有的控制和确定性水平,使经验丰富的 Unity 创作者能够实现更多。

Burst 编译器

Burst 编译器

Burst是一种编译器,可将IL/.NET字节码转换为高度优化的本地代码。它使用业界公认的 LLVM 编译器基础架构,为游戏创作者提供 C# 原生代码的性能。Burst 还暴露了 CPU 的内在特性,从而可以对性能关键代码进行微调。


C# 作业系统

该系统使 Unity 开发人员能够利用多核计算平台,并行化代码可以安全、高速地运行。C# 作业系统暴露了 Unity 内部的 C++ 作业系统,使 Unity 创作者能够在 Unity 内部处理的同时运行他们的脚本。

生产中的 DOTS
Megacity Metro

Experience this competitive, 128+ player cross-platform demo to learn multiplayer and ECS mechanics, understand how to implement gaming services, and experiment with all-new Unity 6 features.

V Rising showcase
Stunlock 工作室

Learn how Stunlock Studios used ECS throughout the development of V Rising, an open-world, multiplayer survival game, including world building in the Editor with custom visual scripting and scalable open-world streaming.

在生产中利用 DOTS 的途径
拉面 VR 和电子广场

Learn how ECS for Unity helped Ramen VR scale up gameplay for Zenith: The Last City, a VR MMO; and how Electric Square used ECS to achieve deterministic gameplay for QA, design loops, and streaming for Detonation Racing, a fast-paced Apple Arcade racing game.

Unity 与 IXION 共同参加 Devcom 展会
Kasedo Games

Learn how Kasedo Games used ECS for Unity to power heavy NPC simulation for IXION, their city builder, survival, and space exploration title.


“Throughout the development of Hardspace: Shipbreaker, DOTS opened up the possibilities of what was even conceivable to do. We had processes that initially took an hour now take only 100 milliseconds after implementing DOTS.” – Richard Harrison, technical director on Hardspace: Shipbreaker

407 门卡
407 号门

This studio’s working on Diplomacy is Not an Option (DNO), a real-time strategy game, and got stunning results. “We’re using DOTS almost everywhere in our game, and we’re finding it especially useful for pathfinding and optimizing our gameplay logic,” says lead developer Sergey Klimenko.

ECS 呼出
开始使用 DOTS

查看一些资源,帮助您开始使用 DOTS 并了解面向数据设计的基本概念。