
ECS for Unity (Entity Component System) は、より野心的なゲームの構築を可能にします。GameObjectsと互換性のあるデータ指向のフレームワークで、Unityの熟練したクリエイターが、かつてないレベルのコントロールと決定性により、より多くのことを達成できるようにします。

Burst コンパイラー

C# Job System
このシステムにより、Unity 開発者は、安全かつ高速に実行できる並列化されたコードでマルチコア コンピューティング プラットフォームを活用できます。C#ジョブシステムはUnityの内部C++ジョブシステムを公開し、Unityの内部処理と一緒にスクリプトを実行する機能をUnityクリエイターに提供します。

Megacity Metro
Experience this competitive, 128+ player cross-platform demo to learn multiplayer and ECS mechanics, understand how to implement gaming services, and experiment with all-new Unity 6 features.

Learn how Stunlock Studios used ECS throughout the development of V Rising, an open-world, multiplayer survival game, including world building in the Editor with custom visual scripting and scalable open-world streaming.

Learn how ECS for Unity helped Ramen VR scale up gameplay for Zenith: The Last City, a VR MMO; and how Electric Square used ECS to achieve deterministic gameplay for QA, design loops, and streaming for Detonation Racing, a fast-paced Apple Arcade racing game.

Learn how Kasedo Games used ECS for Unity to power heavy NPC simulation for IXION, their city builder, survival, and space exploration title.

“Throughout the development of Hardspace: Shipbreaker, DOTS opened up the possibilities of what was even conceivable to do. We had processes that initially took an hour now take only 100 milliseconds after implementing DOTS.” – Richard Harrison, technical director on Hardspace: Shipbreaker

This studio’s working on Diplomacy is Not an Option (DNO), a real-time strategy game, and got stunning results. “We’re using DOTS almost everywhere in our game, and we’re finding it especially useful for pathfinding and optimizing our gameplay logic,” says lead developer Sergey Klimenko.