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Cloud Save

Build better player experiences by storing game data to the cloud.
The 2023 Unity Gaming Report is here. Get data to make informed decisions about your game.
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Intro to Cloud Save

Keep track of your player data

Flexible and easy-to-use, Cloud Save allows you to track and store player data like progression, abilities, and statistics to the cloud.

Optimize player experience

Optimize player experience

Cloud Save works for any kind of player data. Once integrated, players can log in and have amazing experiences anywhere, across multiple devices.

Key benefits


Store and find player data including player abilities, statistics, progression, and preferences in the cloud.


Improve user experience by unlocking cross-device accounts for your players.


Can be used as a source of truth for other game backend services like Cloud Code.

Resources to hit the ground running

backend solutions
A closer look at Game Backend

Focus on the business logic of your game, and take advantage of our expertise to manage backend infrastructure.

backend use cases
Nine use cases for Unity Game Backend

Building a backend to support your game systems isn’t easy, and you may not be able to build, host, and scale your own servers. Find out what our tools can do for you.

battlepass blog
Try out our battle pass sample

The Unity Gaming Services Use Cases are a collection of samples that show you how to solve common development challenges. Read our article on our latest sample: the battle pass.

ugs guide
Build your game with Unity Gaming Services

Looking for an alternative to GameSparks? Unity Gaming Services has the battle-tested solutions you need to build, manage, and grow your game.

Learn more


Review the manual to help you get Cloud Save up and running on your game.

Game Backend Solutions
Build your foundation

Explore our newest solutions for Game Backend, including Cloud Code, Economy, and Authentication.

Analytics 2.0 and Player Engagement Solutions
Engage your players

Perfect the player experience with targeted engagement using our latest Analytics and Player Engagement solutions.

Unity gen art 2021
Build more, pay less

Everything you need to launch, manage, and operate your game – at a fair price. Our products are designed to work for AAA studios, indie developers, and everyone in between.