Build quality learning apps, games and simulations
Game-changing learning and training experiences

School VR/AR creation platform
Immersive Creation for the Classroom
Zoe is a VR/AR creation platform where students can build 3D worlds and visually program their experience from scratch. Zoe includes a Unity Plugin, a VR application, professional development modules & tons of resources to get started easily.

Health Simulation
Mental Health Simulation
Kognito is a simulation company helping engage learners in role-play conversations with virtual AI-driven humans to drive positive changes in health behavior.

CAE VimedixAR with HoloLens
Next-gen medical training
CAE VimedixAR with HoloLens helps students learn ultrasound by allowing them to visualize anatomy and the ultrasound cut plane in real-time.

PG&E Becker Pilot – service training
Reducing error rates and training time
This interactive 3D application guides PG&E field-service reps step-by-step through the preventive maintenance rebuild procedure for a GE Becker VRP-600-CH Pilot, which they are required to perform every five years.

Virtual lab simulations for STEM students
Labster empowers the next generation of scientists to change the world
Students learn to do science through virtual laboratory simulations that improve retention and outcomes.

Mobile AR Educational Toys
YumeGo: Mobile AR platform for enriching STEM tools and games.
This interactive mobile AR experience brings a virtual life-size chemistry lab to students where ever they are. They can learn about real world lab equipment, pick up virtual elements from the ground, and perform chemistry experiments safely and cheaply - much more fun and proven to have higher recall than passive learning.
Interactive and immersive learning
- Multiplatform: Build once and deploy across multiple platforms, including support for the latest VR and AR technologies.
- Innovative: Allows learners to practice complex procedures, explore ideas in new ways, and improve learning outcomes better than traditional approaches.
- The latest technology: Training simulations can speed up training time, improve safety, reduce equipment costs, and deepen workforce expertise.
Tools for effective learning
- Personalized: Unity Analytics allows you to track learner progress and motivation throughout the experience to drive better outcomes. Learn more.
- Efficient: Unity Teams lets your team work faster together with the ability to save, sync and share as well as build on the cloud. Learn more.
- Collaborative: Create multi-learner experiences that allow users to share a learning environment. Learn more.
Build faster, better
- Speed up development and save costs: The Unity Asset Store has great deals on tools for developing learning and training. Learn more.
- Improve you or your team’s Unity developer skills: Take the latest Unity online courses. Learn more.
- Collaborate globally: Find and collaborate with the best talent and share your work with the Unity Connect. Learn more.

Stay current with tech. Become a Unity Center of Excellence Partner for access to latest courseware, enabling faster, comprehensive training.

Find out how Unity can help you build the best learning and training apps, games and simulations.